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Addiction Treatment in Bloomington

3 Minute Read | Published Nov 30 2023 | Updated Jan 08 2024


Addiction is a complex disorder that affects individuals from all walks of life. Bloomington, Indiana, like many other cities in the United States, has also faced challenges related to addiction. The city has experienced an increase in substance abuse and addiction, which has significantly impacted the community and the state of Indiana as a whole. However, with the right treatment and support, addiction can be treated successfully. This paper will provide an overview of addiction treatment in Bloomington, Indiana, and highlight local statistics and facts to demonstrate the prevalence of addiction in the city and offer a message of hope that recovery is possible.

Addiction Problems and Disorders in Bloomington, Indiana

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Indiana has a higher rate of substance use disorders than the national average. Approximately 8.8% of Indiana residents aged 12 and above have a substance use disorder, compared to the national average of 7.6%. In Bloomington specifically, substance abuse has been a long-standing problem, with reports of increased use of drugs like heroin, methamphetamine, prescription opioids, and fentanyl.

The state of Indiana also has a high rate of opioid overdose deaths. In 2018, there were approximately 1,762 drug overdose deaths in Indiana, with opioids accounting for 68% of these deaths. Additionally, Bloomington has seen a rise in cases of opioid-related hospitalizations, with a 17% increase between 2010 and 2016.

Local Statistics on Addiction in Bloomington, Indiana

The prevalence of addiction in Bloomington, Indiana, is evident in the local statistics. According to the 2016 Monroe County Community Health Assessment, 34% of the population reported using prescription drugs without a prescription at some point in their lifetime. Moreover, 5% of the population reported using prescription drugs without a prescription in the past 30 days, which is higher than the national average of 2%.

Another alarming statistic is the rate of binge drinking in Bloomington, which is higher than the national average. According to the 2020 Community Health Needs Assessment, 22% of adults in Monroe County reported binge drinking in the past 30 days, compared to the national average of 16.5%. This is concerning because excessive alcohol consumption can lead to alcohol addiction and other health problems.

Reassuring Message

Despite these statistics, it is essential to understand that addiction is a treatable disorder. With the right treatment, individuals can successfully recover and lead healthy, fulfilling lives. There are various addiction treatment facilities and programs in Bloomington, Indiana, that offer evidence-based treatments to help individuals recover from substance use disorders.

Furthermore, Indiana has taken steps to address the opioid epidemic, passing laws to increase access to medication-assisted treatment (MAT) and implementing a syringe exchange program to prevent the spread of diseases associated with drug use. In Bloomington specifically, the Monroe County Opioid Working Group was formed to coordinate the efforts of healthcare professionals, community organizations, and law enforcement to combat the opioid crisis.


In conclusion, addiction is a growing problem in Bloomington, Indiana, and throughout the state of Indiana. However, with the right treatment and support, individuals can overcome addiction. The local statistics on substance abuse and addiction highlight the need for targeted interventions and programs to address this issue. The community must continue to raise awareness about addiction and encourage individuals to seek help. With a combination of individual determination, community support, and evidence-based treatments, recovery is possible for those struggling with addiction in Bloomington, Indiana.
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